Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lint in Literature: The First Affair by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus

I recently read The First Affair by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus (of The Nanny Diaries fame). This novel was a fictional look at affairs women (young girls really) have with the President of the United States. I was pleasantly surprised; this book didn't just deal with the affair but largely with the aftermath of such a decision by both parties. 

It mostly was seen from the young intern's point of view and was handled very well. The character Jamie McAlister was idealistic and totally fooled, but I don't want to give too much away. Read it! I think anyone would love this smart look at the inner workings of politics today.

This little snippet about lint was in the book:

"Harrisburg? God, no." He considered for a second. "I thought there'd be more camaraderie. I thought join the government, join the campaign, share a common vision, a cause." He picked lint off his slim-cut cords. "But people suck everywhere, I guess."

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Lint in Literature: The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert

I recently read The Signature of All Things, a novel by Elizabeth Gilbert (you know, Eat Pray Love?). Anyway, this novel was amazing! It can be called epic and a classic and smart and funny. So good!

I was delighted to find this lint reference somewhat early in the book (on page 147):

Retta ran over to her friend, and sat down beside her. "Look at you! You are overcome on my behalf! You care about me do!" Retta put her arm around Alma's waist, just as she had done on the day they met, and embraced her closely. "I must confess that I am still a bit overcome myself. What would such a clever man want with a silly bit of lint like me?..."

If you are looking for a book you can really settle into for a week or so (I'm a slow reader; maybe you'd read the nearly 500 pages much quicker), The Signature of All Things is highly recommended.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Lint in Literature: Started Early, Took My Dog

I recently read Kate Atkinson's novel Started Early, Took My Dog. Early in the book, I came across this line:

Tracey felt defeated. She glanced down and picked some lint off her jacket. Things could only get worse.

This book was wonderful, as are all of Atkinson's books, so if you're looking for a novel with a touch of mystery and great characters, Started Early, Took My Dog is a winner.


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